RESEARCH METHODS (ARAŞTIRMA YÖNTEMLERİ) - (İNGİLİZCE) Dersi Writing a Literature Review soru detayı:
What are the characteristics of a good literature review?
A good literature review should have the following characteristics (Feak and Swale, 2009, 5-10):
1. The problems and controversial issues related to the topic should be discussed.
2. The potential content that have not been covered in the literature review should be explained with its reasons clearly.
3. The literature review should concentrate on latest documents since they are likely the most pertinent.
4. The literature review should be long enough to persuade the reader that the literature was read extensively.
5. The gaps in the current literature should be revealed in the literature review.
6. The literature review should be more than a list of past studies. Rather, it should give the reader a sense of what has been more significant and less significant. In other words, the works cited in the literature review should be critically evaluated.
7. Overall, the literature review should be presented chronologically.
8. The literature review can ignore the studies from different disciplines than your immediate discipline.
9. The literature review should explain the readers how your work might contribute to the existing scholarly literature and future research.