REGIONAL ORGANIZATIONS (BÖLGESEL ÖRGÜTLER) - (İNGİLİZCE) Dersi Definition and General Assessment of International Organizations and Regionalism soru detayı:



What are the characteristics of “contact States” or “dialog partners" in an international organization?


Organizations are open to observer members which are sometimes called “contact States”, “dialog partners” etc.. There are two distinctive characteristics of this status. First, observers, unlike full-member States, are not party to the statute and therefore do not hold especially the voting right. Although their mere participation and contribution to plenary meetings and debates is somehow regarded important, there are cases where this status is granted as a means of preparation for, and transition to, full-membership. Second, observer status is not confined to States. It is also granted to non-State actors such as other international and regional organizations, unrecognised States/entities, multinational companies and non-governmental organizations, as their political standing, economic power or technical expertise is valued.