BUSINESS MANAGEMENT (İŞLETME YÖNETİMİ) - (İNGİLİZCE) Dersi Leadership, Diversity,and Motivation soru detayı:



What are the differences between management and leadership?


The management and leadership roles, which are critical dimensions of the world of business, have distinguishing characteristics:
• Management emerged with the IndustrialRevolution.
• Management is based on position; leadership is about personal qualifications.
• Managers are appointed; a leader is a role model who earns the title and is embraced by the followers.
• Management aims at formal goals whereas leaders generate informal goals.
• Management is attaining goals through others; leadership is pursuing goals with others.
• Management is based on rules, leadership is spontaneous and inspirational.
• Managers focus on completing tasks efficiently; leaders focus on goals for development, improvement, and change.
• Management authority is based on legal authority; leadership power comes from followers.
• Management produces order and consistency; leadership produces change and movement.