BUSINESS LAW (İŞLETME HUKUKU) - (İNGİLİZCE) Dersi Organization of the Judiciary soru detayı:



What are the duties of the Ministry of Justice?


- to establish and organize courts as foreseen in the laws,

- to plan and establish any and all types and degrees of judicial institutions such as penal execution and correction institutions as well as execution and bankruptcy offices, and to provide supervision and control as to their administrative functions,

- to submit proposals in matters such as abolishing of courts or changing of judicial locality,
- to carry out actions regarding the use of authority granted by laws to the Ministry of Justice concerning initiation of a public proceedings,

- to carry out duties assigned to the Ministry by the Laws of Attorneys and Public Notaries,

- to carry out services regarding keeping judicial records,

- to carry out duties assigned to the Ministry by the Turkish Commercial Law and Trade Registry Regulation,

- to carry out functions regarding foreign countries on judicial services,

- to make necessary research and legal arrangements and express opinions on matters of interest to judicial services,

- to review the compliance of draft laws and decrees having the force of law prepared by the Ministries with the Turkish legal system and techniques of preparing laws, before submitting them to the Ministry,

- to organize execution and correction functions according to the provisions of relevant legislation,

- to carry out execution and bankruptcy functions through execution and bankruptcy offices,

- to carry out other functions assigned by laws.