TURKISH POLITICS (TÜRK SİYASAL HAYATI) - (İNGİLİZCE) Dersi State, Religion and Society in Turkey soru detayı:
What are the factors leading the Ulema loss of power during the reformation process?
In case of Ulema, a new type of court (Meclis-i Valayı Ahkam-ı Adliye in Ottoman lang.) was established in 1838 for administrative affairs, which replaced the religious court. Second, a new penal code was brought for public law (Ceza Kanunname-i Hümayunu in Ottoman lang.) in 1840. Moreover, in 1858, a secular land law, in 1859 a secular trade law, and in 1864 a marine trade law was enacted. In 1867, the administrative courts independent of religious courts were established. Finally, in the final years of the Ottoman Empire and on the verge of the First World War, Shaikh al-lslam (the chief religious official in the Ottoman empire) was taken out of the cabinet, and the religious courts under Shaikh al-lslam were tied to the Ministry of Justice; the management of foundations was taken from Shaikh al-lslam and given to a member of the cabinet; and finally medressehs, which were also under Shaikh al-lslam, were tied to the Ministry of Education. All these examples meant the loss of power for the Ulema in the reformation period of the Ottoman Empire.