INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION AND GLOBAL GOVERNANCE Dersi Institutional Approaches to International Organization and Global Governance soru detayı:
What are the five models of internet governance?
There are five models of internet governance:
• The spontaneous cyberspace model: The Internet is beyond the reach of government control, and it is a self-governing realm of individual liberty.
• The transnational institutions and organization model: It inherently transcends national borders. As a result, most suitable institutions are transnational and quasiprivate cooperatives or international organizations with treaty arrangements.
• The internet architecture and code model: Many regulatory decisions are made by communication protocols and other software about how the Internet operates.
• The national government and law model: Regulatory decisions about the Internet are made through legal regulations by national governments.
• The market regulation and economics model: Market forces are driving forces in shaping the nature of the Internet (Solum, 2009: 56-57).