INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION AND GLOBAL GOVERNANCE Dersi The United Nations and Global Governance soru detayı:
What are the functions of International Court of Justice (ICJ)?
The ICJ has two main functions: first, the court settles legal disputes between states. This kind of cases before the court is called contentious cases. Second, the court is authorized to give advisory opinions on legal questions upon request (Doğan,2014:133). The ICJ can also hear specific cases on legal disputes referred to it by states. Only states can bring cases before the court. In other words, non-state actors such as citizens, non-governmental organizations, or businesses cannot sue or be sued (Bookmiller, 2008:65). As such, the ICJ cannot settle disputes between states and non-state actors. The court may also issue advisory opinions on legal questions referred to it by authorized UN organs and agencies including the General Assembly and Security Council.