BUSINESS INFORMATION SYSTEMS (İŞLETME BİLGİ SİSTEMLERİ) - (İNGİLİZCE) Dersi Fundamentals of Information Systems soru detayı:
What are the levels of management in business?
Decision-making in business is the job of managers mainly. While lower level managers, who are responsible from running the daily operations in business, require information for daily and routine decisions about execution; medium and top level managers require it for long-term decisions, strategies and policy making.
Strategic Management: It is the management level generally composed of the board of directors, executive board and senior managers. Decisions made in strategic management level are long-term future oriented.
Tactical Management: It is the level of management consisting of medium level managers such as division managers, group or team leaders in group and team works. Decisions in tactical management level are those in which strategic decisions are elaborated and uncertainty is relatively reduced.
Operational Management: This level of management consists the lower level managers who are responsible of the execution of daily routines and business processes. In order to carry out the tactical level decisions, it involves the effective and efficient executions of required tasks. In this sense, these are decisions in which medium level tactical decisions are elaborated and transformed into short term plans.