INTERNATIONAL POLITICS (ULUSLARARASI SİYASET) - (İNGİLİZCE) Dersi International Politics and Security soru detayı:



What are the main criticisms directed towards the Securitisation model?


There are criticisms directed towards the Securitisation approach on various grounds.

First,  the Securitisation presents a strong subjectivist knowledge because it is exclusively a ‘speech act’ not having a direct correspondence to realities of external world (Dannreuther, 2007: 43). 

Second, there is always a blur distinction between the boundaries of political and security realms. The Securitisation approach inclines to set the security apart as a value, and divide the domains of politics and security (Ibid).

Third, closely linked to blurred distinction between securitisation and politicisa-tion, the process of securitisation can be abused to legitimise and empower      certain bureaucratic or civilian groups in power in a country.

Fourth, the Securitisation is a Eurocentric approach reflecting much of the concerns of postmodern implications of European integration process.