MARKETING MANAGEMENT (PAZARLAMA YÖNETİMİ) - (İNGİLİZCE) Dersi Managing Marketing Organizations soru detayı:
What are the main developments and marketing levels that has provided a basic for marketing 4.0?
Marketing passed through various stages starting from Marketing 1.0 up to Marketing 4.0. While Marketing 1.0 was built upon the product-centric approach, consumers started to be well informed and compare several values offerings of similar products in Marketing 2.0 (customer-centric era). Marketing 3.0 is defined by Kotler et al. as “the era where the values are the main drivers of marketing”. Companies are more aware of the corporate responsibility and environmental issues. Marketing 4.0 emerged as a result of the changes triggered by turbulent markets, global competition, demanding customers, rapid emergence of new technologies, and disruptive innovation. Marketing 4.0 can be considered as a phase where creation of value is conducted collaboratively. In such system, customers are located at the center of this new digital marketing system. The main components in the system and their relationships
should be planned well to stimulate customers’ interactions with the products, to offer customers emotional personal experience (through the ‘touch points’) and to add value.