BUSINESS LAW (İŞLETME HUKUKU) - (İNGİLİZCE) Dersi Organization of the Judiciary soru detayı:



What are the main duties of the Council?


• Rendering final decisions aboutthe proposal of the Ministry of Justice concerning abolishment of a court or a change in a court’s jurisdiction,
• Performing the following proceedings concerning judges and prosecutors starting their careers:
- appointing or transferring to another locality,
- equipping them with temporary authorizations,
- promoting them or allocating them as first class,
- distributing cadres,
- making final decisions about those who are not considered appropriate to continue to perform their profession,
- issuing disciplinary punishments,
- suspending them from office to inspect whether judges and prosecutors perform their duties in compliance with laws, regulations, bylaws and circulars,
- examining whether they commit offenses in connection with or during the exercise of their duties, or whether their behaviours and acts are in compliance with the requirements of their capacities and duties, and if necessary, launching examination or investigation proceedings about them.