Turkish Polıtıcs
TURKISH POLITICS (TÜRK SİYASAL HAYATI) - (İNGİLİZCE) Dersi From Constitutional Monarchy of the Ottoman Empire to the Multi-party Period of the Republic of Turkey soru cevapları
TURKISH POLITICS (TÜRK SİYASAL HAYATI) - (İNGİLİZCE) Dersi From Constitutional Monarchy of the Ottoman Empire to the Multi-party Period of the Republic of Turkey soru detayı:
What are the main reasons of the Youn Turks for opposing Abdülhamid II?
First of all, they believed that the strategies adopted by Abdülhamid in the administration of the state, such as the suspension of the parliament, would trigger the separatist movements. They, accordingly, pioneered an opposition for the adoption of the constitution once again and for reopening the parliament. Secondly, they had a
hard time finding a place in a system that was just partly modern after receiving a modern education. That was why they opposed to Abdülhamid II. Finally, attempts to build institutions and values that would enable them to achieve their goals of establishing a strong state were often contrary to the realities during the reign of Abdülhamid II.