MARKETING MANAGEMENT (PAZARLAMA YÖNETİMİ) - (İNGİLİZCE) Dersi Introduction to Marketing soru detayı:



What are the marketing channels?


The ownership channel includes transferring of the title to the goods. The party owning the good almost always has the right to trade or sell it and takes the risks and bears the costs associated with having it in inventory. In the ownership channel, a common intermediary is the bank or financial institutions, which may assume temporary or partial ownership of goods as part of an ongoing transaction. The negotiation channel is the one in which buying and selling agreements are made. This could include transactions face to face or by telephone, e-mail, or almost any other form of communication. Brokers are associated with this channel. They are independent intermediary and paid to arrange a particular transaction. The financial channel carries out payment for goods and handles the company’s credit. Banks and finance companies are prominent intermediaries inthis channel, and they provide credit necessary for a deal to be completed. The promotions channel is involved in promoting a new or an existing good or service, and it can be related to the financial channel since monetary allowances are generally part of the promotion effort. Intermediaries in this channel aid promotions. For example, advertising agencies can handle the preparation and media placement of advertising materials. The logistic channel is related to the sorting function, which bridges the discrepancy between the assortment of goods and services generated by the producer and the assortment demanded by the consumer. Commonly used intermediaries in this channel are the logistics companies such as freight forwarder, whose function is to provide logistics services.