STATISTICS I (İSTATİSTİK) - (İNGİLİZCE) Dersi Central Tendency Measures soru detayı:



What are the purposes of quantifying central tendency measures?


There are several purposes for quantifying central tendency measures. The primary purpose of computing them is to determine a single value which may be used to indicate the center of an entire data set including magnitudes of the same data. Another purpose is that since measure of center may represent the whole data, it enables us to make comparisons within or between groups of data. For example, average test performance of students in a class can be compared with the average test performance of students in other classes at the same grade level. Third purpose is that average value can be used in computing some other statistical measures like skewness, kurtosis, and dispersion. More technically, there is an idea that it would be more accurate to calculate different measures of location for different situations, considering the distribution of data.