BUSINESS LAW (İŞLETME HUKUKU) - (İNGİLİZCE) Dersi Labour and Social Security Law soru detayı:



What are the requirements of an on-call employment contract?


Firstly, article 14 of the Labour Act requires the on call employment contracts to be concluded in writing.

Secondly, article 14/II of the Labour Act states that the weekly working hours of the employee working under an on call employment contract will be deemed 20 hours unless otherwise agreed by the parties in terms of week, month, year or another measure of time.  The employee is entitled to remuneration regardless of whether he/she had worked for the period determined as working hours.

Thirdly, the employer shall make his/her call at least four days prior to the day he/she needs the employee to work, unless otherwise agreed by the parties.