PSYCHOLOGY (PSİKOLOJİ) - (İNGİLİZCE) Dersi Personality soru detayı:
What are the stages of psychosexual development according to psychoanalytic theory?
Psychosexual development begins at infancy, follows through five stages, and lasts into adulthood. The stages are Oral, Anal, Phallic, Latency and Genital. They are consecutive, meaning that every child goes through these stages in the same order.
In each stage, the psychic energy (libido) is located at a different erogenous zone and looks for a satisfaction at that zone. Hence, the conflict arising at each stage is specific to itself, having unique contributions to the personality. The child’s needs and expectations vary in each stage. Failure to meet those needs or over-satisfying them results in the fixation of the libido at the erogenous zone of that stage. Fixation occurs when the conflict at a certain psychosexual stage is not resolved. Consequently, the child develops an unconscious urge to stay in that psychosexual stage and feels an attachment to the erogenous zone, desires, people or objects related to that stage. This might lead to various neurotic behaviors, like an inability to form normal social relationships. Psychoanalytic theory suggests that a healthy personality development requires successfully resolving each conflict in each stage.