RESEARCH METHODS (ARAŞTIRMA YÖNTEMLERİ) - (İNGİLİZCE) Dersi Writing a Literature Review soru detayı:



What are the steps of conducting a literature review?  


A literature review can be performed in seven steps:

1. Identification of research questions. This step guides the review.

2. Selecting the databases and sources. There are numerous bibliographic or article databases, websites, and other resources that can be utilized.

3. Specifying the key terms. Key terms are the words that are used to search and get the related documents.

4. Applying practical screening criteria. Literature reviewer can set the criteria to include or exclude the documents from the review among the numerous articles.

5. Applying methodological screening criteria. Methodological criteria incorporate criteria for assessing scientific quality.

6. Doing the review. To ensure the reliability and validity of the literature review, a standardized form should be used for abstracting data from papers. Besides, reviewers should be trained for abstracting the data and pilot testing of the process should be reported.

7. Synthesizing the results. Literature review results may be synthesized expressively. An uncommon sort of synthesis-a meta-analysis involves the utilization of statistical results of two or more research.