Organızatıonal Behavıor
ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIOUR (ÖRGÜTSEL DAVRANIŞ) - (İNGİLİZCE) Dersi Individual Differences: Personality, Perception, and Employee Attitudes soru cevapları
ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIOUR (ÖRGÜTSEL DAVRANIŞ) - (İNGİLİZCE) Dersi Individual Differences: Personality, Perception, and Employee Attitudes soru detayı:
What are the three dimensions of organizational commitment?
1. Affective commitment involves the employee’s emotional attachment to, identification with, and involvement in the organization.
2. Continuance commitment involves commitment based on the costs that the employee associates with leaving the organization. This may be because of the loss of senority for promotion or benefits.
3. Normative commitment involves employees’ feelings of obligation to stay with the organization because they should; it is the right thing to do.