Polıtıcal Thought
POLITICAL THOUGHT (SİYASAL DÜŞÜNCELER) - (İNGİLİZCE) Dersi Political Thought of the New Age soru cevapları
POLITICAL THOUGHT (SİYASAL DÜŞÜNCELER) - (İNGİLİZCE) Dersi Political Thought of the New Age soru detayı:
What are the three elements of social order organized in accord with the true religion according to Jean Calvin?
Calvin claims that social order organized in accord with the true religion is composed of three elements:
1. The Governors, the source of duty is God.
2. Laws, as the products of natural justice imprinted in all minds by God.
3. The Governed, who are responsible to obey the governors as much as the laws of God,