INTERNATIONAL POLITICS (ULUSLARARASI SİYASET) - (İNGİLİZCE) Dersi Cultures, Civilizations and International Politics soru detayı:



What are the three meanings of the term "culture" at the communal level?


Firstly, culture refers to the endeavours of both people and communities in the artistic and scientific fields such as fine arts, literature, civil engineering, etc. towards reaching a point of perfection. Secondly, the term culture is used to mark the products of these endeavours. While these products carry the distinctive features of the national or civilizational cultures they have been produced within, they are also currently regarded as sources of inspiration for the humanity in general (Fischer, 2006, 28).

Thirdly, culture is used to mark the common features of the communal life, and consequently highlights its distinctive features (Fischer, 2006, 28).