RESEARCH METHODS (ARAŞTIRMA YÖNTEMLERİ) - (İNGİLİZCE) Dersi Writing a Literature Review soru detayı:
What are the types of literature review?
1. Narrative Literature Review. Narrative reviews are typically found in theses, dissertations, grant and research proposals, and research articles. In such reviews, the author selects relevant past research and synthesizes it into a coherent discussion. Narrative reviews typically are somewhat broad in focus compared to other kinds of literature reviews, discussing methodologies, findings, and limitations in the existing body of work.
2. Systematic Literature Review. In systematic reviews, a strict methodology is followed in literature selection. While selecting the literature, including or excluding criteria are transparent. Systematic reviews are convenient when the reviewer aims to illuminate the existing literature and its potential implications.
3. Meta-Analysis. Meta-analysis is performed by statistical techniques combining data from multiple studies that have analyzed the same research questions. Re-analyzing different sets of data related to the same research question provides a much better understanding than that of a single study.
4. Focused Literature Review. Primarily, all literature reviews are focused. This term is used because a more suitable term is lacking. Thus, focused literature review defines the reviews that focused on a single aspect of the past research such as methodology.