INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION AND GLOBAL GOVERNANCE Dersi States and Global Governance soru detayı:
What are three main features with regard to the great power management?
The first feature is that it is better to have several great powers rather than having only one great power. From this perspective, the main mechanism that would sustain international order is the balance of power. Without such a balance, states would not feel that they are bound by some common rules and institutions. Obviously, this would undermine the very ‘international society’. The second feature emphasizes the superior military strengh of great powers. The third feature is the recognition of great powers by other actors- a feature that points to the cultivation of legitimacy. This recognition provides great powers with some special rights and duties to maintain peace and security in the international system. Thus, great powers are also great responsibles. According to Bull, even the most powerful state needs to be recognized as a great power by middle and small powers, because without its recognition, a great power would not be bestowed with special rights and duties (Bull, 2012: 194-97).