TURKISH POLITICS (TÜRK SİYASAL HAYATI) - (İNGİLİZCE) Dersi The Evolution of Turkey’s Political Economy since Constitutional Monarchy soru detayı:
What can be said about fictitious exports in 1980s of Turkey?
The export promotion strategies of the 1980s in Turkey led to fictitious exports. Fictitious exports were fabricated transactions to take advantage of export incentives, especially tax refunds. Fictitious exports included commercially worthless goods registered as goods eligible for incentives, recording export prices higher than
the actual price, and even alleging falsely to have exported goods while in fact nothing was exported. Since this practice helped money laundering and decreasing unofficial economic activities (off-the-record economy), the regulative policies could be adopted in the second half of 1980s when the negative reaction became intensified especially from general public and European countries.