TURKISH POLITICS (TÜRK SİYASAL HAYATI) - (İNGİLİZCE) Dersi The Evolution of Turkey’s Political Economy since Constitutional Monarchy soru detayı:



What changes followed the elections in 1950 in Turkey?


DP won the elections in 1950, and Turkey entered into a more liberal economic and political era. In 1950, the number of deputies connected with the civilian-military bureaucracy dropped from 47 per cent to 36 per cent, whereas landowners, merchants and professionals gained the rest of seats. The DP program emphasized the need for state investment in infrastructure, the withdrawal of the state from manufacturing sector which had no public service characteristics, and the creation of the conditions for the entry of foreign enterprises. This period was marked by capital
accumulation in the private sector through government credits originated from foreign aid program. Using the state agencies like the Industrial Development Bank to distribute aid funds increased state patronage and the inefficient use of public funds.