DIPLOMACY (DİPLOMASİ) - (İNGİLİZCE) Dersi Historical Evolution of Diplomacy: Transition to Permanent Diplomacy soru detayı:



What did European states do for professionalization of the diplomatic civil servants which appeared as a necessity for the continuity and reliability of the diplomatic contact? 


Firstly, they allocated generous budgets for the accommodation and expenses of the diplomatic missions sent to other countries. Secondly, expansion of the diplomatic missions also required a deeper and better planned training curriculum, which was developed later and included modules varying from general rules of manners to diplomatic correspondence techniques. Besides, language courses were also provided to newly appointed diplomatic staff.Thirdly, as different from the 18th century resident ambassadors, the ambassadors of permanent diplomacy in the 19th century were not
only seen as the envoys of their ruler. They were also authorized to develop instant policies as a reaction to sudden developments and crisis situations.