İşletme Yönetimi
BUSINESS MANAGEMENT (İŞLETME YÖNETİMİ) - (İNGİLİZCE) Dersi Leadership, Diversity,and Motivation soru cevapları
BUSINESS MANAGEMENT (İŞLETME YÖNETİMİ) - (İNGİLİZCE) Dersi Leadership, Diversity,and Motivation soru detayı:
What do The Michigan studies suggest?
Based on interviews with managers and employees, this group of studies identified two basic forms of leadership behaviors: task/production oriented behaviors and people/ employee oriented behaviors.7 Task-oriented behaviors indicate a focus on production and technical aspects of a job. Managers who were task-oriented were concerned about issues such as keeping low costs and scheduling meetings. People-oriented behaviors indicate a supportive approach to subordinates.