INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION AND GLOBAL GOVERNANCE Dersi Non-State Actors and Global Governance soru detayı:
What do transnational networks mean?
Global civil society has emerged as a result of new ideas, approaches, and processes in dealing with economic, political and social problems caused by globalization. In this perspective, the idea of global civil society is a reaction to globalization and, in particular, to the economic, political and social hegemony of multinational corporations at the international level. This reaction rapidly increased in the 1990s and led to the emergence of new groups, organizations, movements, and networks that aimed to develop alternative models for economic, political, and social development under umbrella organizations. These global civil society organizations are called transnational networks (such as International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives, Center for Individual Rights, International Women’s Tribune Center, Earth Rights International) or transnational nonstate actors, since they mobilize international movements and establish civil structures that are independent from governments.