INTRODUCTION TO SOCIOLOGY (SOSYOLOJİYE GİRİŞ) - (İNGİLİZCE) Dersi Law, Deviance, Crime and Society soru detayı:



What do you know about norms?


Norms: Values gain efficiency through norms. The social norms emerge in the form of religious rules, moral rules, manners and customs, etiquette and legal rules in social life. The norms are cultural rules, which arise with the reward and punishment system and affect the individuals’ behaviors. All cultures,subcultures and groups have distinctive and specific norms that direct correct behaviors. The acts and laws, rules about clothing, games and sports, etc. all reflect social norms (Yüksel, 2015: 19; Schaefer, 2010:171; Johnson, 2000:209; Milovanovic, 2003:6).