INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION AND GLOBAL GOVERNANCE Dersi States and Global Governance soru detayı:



What does the anarchical international system refer to?


The anarchical international system refers to an international order without a centralized political
authority that is capable of imposing international rules and restraining the use of force by states (Waltz, 1979; Wendt, 1992). As such, wars occur in the system “because there is nothing to prevent them” (Waltz, 1959: 232). The anarchical international system is, in fact, a self-help system that consists of states who seek to maximize their relative power and secure their sovereignty through either increasing their own material capabilities (internal balancing) or aligning with other states (external balancing). In the absence of a central authority and of collective security, each state is responsible for its own survival in the system. According to Waltz, under anarchy, states need to ensure that there does not exist a single state (a hegemon), which would dominate the international system and determine the rules of the system. In such an anarchical system, it is difficult to achieve cooperation among states and severe power differentials among them may lead to a major war.

Therefore, in an anarchical system, many scholars consider a bipolar power configuration (bipolarity) as a relatively stable and peaceful situation than a multipolar power configuration (multipolarity).