Marketıng Management
MARKETING MANAGEMENT (PAZARLAMA YÖNETİMİ) - (İNGİLİZCE) Dersi Managing Marketing Organizations soru cevapları
MARKETING MANAGEMENT (PAZARLAMA YÖNETİMİ) - (İNGİLİZCE) Dersi Managing Marketing Organizations soru detayı:
What does the term of "market" mean?
The term market can have a number of meanings. It is used to refer primarily to the place where goods were bought and sold. It can also refer to a geographic area such as Turkish market. In some occasions, “market” refers to the relationship between the demand and supply of a specific product. A market is the cluster of actual and potential buyers of a product or service. These actual and potential buyers have a specific need or want that can be satisfied through exchange relationships.