POLITICAL THOUGHT (SİYASAL DÜŞÜNCELER) - (İNGİLİZCE) Dersi Political Thought in Ancient Greece and Rome soru detayı:
What does the term polis mean in political thought context?
Ancient Greek civilization is well-known for its specific political, social, economic, and cultural habitat that is known as “polis”. Polis is both the
name of a social milieu and its political institution. This in fact underlines an important initial point that political administration is not something detached from the social life. On the contrary, it is an indispensable part of it in ancient Greece. The members of the Polis, in other words citystate, consist of polites, namely the citizens; and the citizens of the polis consist of free Greek men among which foreigners, women, and slaves are not included. Polis was an output of economic and social division of labour and stratification within the society.