FOREIGN POLICY ANALYSIS Dersi Foreign Policy Instruments of States: War and Conflict soru detayı:
What is a Limited war?
Limited war, is the quite opposite of absolute war; any war limited in space andinvolving restraint by belligerents is defined as a limited war. According to Clausewitz, limited war occurs when annihilation is impossible because of the political aims or because of inadequate military means to accomplish annihilation. This approach of Clausewitz reflects actually the 19th century approach to war which was common until the Second World War. Prior to this approach, the only way to achieve victory was considered the total destruction of the enemy. Historically, the wars taking place in 18th century Europe are considered limited wars; however, after the last absolute war and with the beginning of the nuclear age in warfare the term limited war has been discussed widely, because while the wars of the post-Second World War era are limited in many aspects, it is quite impossible to limit wars in contemporary conditions where mankind is faced with the destructive power of modern weapons, especially of the catastrophic effects of nuclear weapons. The Korean and the Vietnam Wars are considered the earliest examples of limited wars after the Second World War, because of their limited character in terms of space, means or ends.