PSYCHOLOGY (PSİKOLOJİ) - (İNGİLİZCE) Dersi Abnormal Behavior soru cevapları
PSYCHOLOGY (PSİKOLOJİ) - (İNGİLİZCE) Dersi Abnormal Behavior soru detayı:
What is depression?
The individual has the feelings of insignificance, guilt and disparity. Some patients talk about their imaginary sins and often cry. Being quite far away from their normal life, these patients find it difficult to carry out even certain daily life activities such as dressing oneself and having a bath. The consequences of emotional depressions become so severe that the individual cannot take care of himself/herself. The person has an increasing appetite and too much to sleep. Some forget to eat or drink. He or she becomes very hypersensitive to rejection and has a very bad social life.