Foreıgn Trade
FOREIGN TRADE (DIŞ TİCARET) - (İNGİLİZCE) Dersi Introduction to International Trade soru cevapları
FOREIGN TRADE (DIŞ TİCARET) - (İNGİLİZCE) Dersi Introduction to International Trade soru detayı:
What is foreign exchange rate?
The price of a national currency in terms of another currency is called foreign exchange rate. At the flexible exchange rate system, the foreign exchange rate is determined at the foreign exchange market by the supply and demand of the foreign currency. Nevertheless, it is identified by the Central Bank of the country at the fixed exchange rate system. In other words, Central Bank does not allow to any fluctuation on the foreign exchange rate. Thus, the foreign exchange rate is fixed and kept at its fixed level at the fixed exchange rate system.