Mathematics 1
MATHEMATICS I (MATEMATİK I) - (İNGİLİZCE) Dersi Sets and Numbers soru cevapları
MATHEMATICS I (MATEMATİK I) - (İNGİLİZCE) Dersi Sets and Numbers soru detayı:
What is it called when you multiply a real number by itself repeatedly?
Powers are used when we multiply a real number by itself repeatedly. For a ? R and n ? N , we define a to the power n.For a ? 0, the zero exponent and the negative exponents are defined as follows:a0 =1 a-n = 1/an . If n is an even natural number then nth root of a, an , is defined
only for nonnegative numbers a. If n is odd then an is defined for all numbers a.