Organızatıonal Theory & Design
ORGANIZATIONAL THEORY AND DESIGN (ÖRGÜT KURAMI VE TASARIMI) - (İNGİLİZCE) Dersi Organizational Culture and Ethics soru cevapları
ORGANIZATIONAL THEORY AND DESIGN (ÖRGÜT KURAMI VE TASARIMI) - (İNGİLİZCE) Dersi Organizational Culture and Ethics soru detayı:
What is organizational culture made up of?
CEVAP: Organizational culture is made up of fundamental beliefs and assumptions, providing shared values that make being a part of an organization meaningful, and offers organizational members well- defined integrative patterns for expressing themselves.
Organizational culture is made up of fundamental beliefs and assumptions, providing shared values that make being a part of an organization meaningful, and offers organizational members well- defined integrative patterns for expressing themselves.