PSYCHOLOGY (PSİKOLOJİ) - (İNGİLİZCE) Dersi Personality soru detayı:
What is reciprocal determinism?
Bandura suggests that individuals develop certain expectations about the consequences of a behavior. For example, the child might observe in his family that women do not handshake with men. He doesn’t need to perform the behavior immediately after the observational learning. Rather, he develops an expectation, keeps the information in his memory, and when he is in a pertinent context, he recalls his expectation from the memory and acts accordingly. Bandura asserts that, when we decide how to behave according to our expectations, we feel some control over our environment. However, he claims that we are in a constant interaction with our environment. All the individual variables such as cognitions and personality influence and are being influenced by the situational factors, which in turn shape the behavior. Bandura calls this relationship between the individual and the environment reciprocal determinism. Accordingly, your preferences (such as the books you read, the music that you prefer to listen, and the people that you make friends with) give information about your personality, as they are most probably shaped in parallel with your expectations.