INTRODUCTION TO ECONOMICS II (İKTİSADA GİRİŞ II) - (İNGİLİZCE) Dersi Equilibrium in the Economy soru detayı:



What is Say's law?


The classical model explains the continuous realization of employment in the economy, based on Say’s Law, which states that “every supply creates its own demand”. According to this law, a certain amount of income is generated as a result of the production of goods and services. This income is used again to buy goods and services. Firms purchase or lease the resources required in the production process. They pay their owners in the form of fees, interest, rents, and profits. The amount that the producers pay to the owners of the production factors has to be equal to the value of the goods and services produced. Here, the production factor consumes all the income that the owners have gained and everything produced is sold. Thus, according to Say’s Law, every supply creates its own demand. It is not the case that the aggregate expenditures are insufficient in terms of full employment level. In some economies, when there is supply surplus or excess demand in some markets, the price mechanism is engaged and the market returns to the equilibrium level again. Therefore,