DIPLOMACY (DİPLOMASİ) - (İNGİLİZCE) Dersi Instruments and Institutions of Modern Diplomacy soru cevapları
DIPLOMACY (DİPLOMASİ) - (İNGİLİZCE) Dersi Instruments and Institutions of Modern Diplomacy soru detayı:
What is the basic objective of the United Nations?
The basic objective of the UN is to protect sovereignty of its member states and world peace. However, when the crises and regional wars in the world since its establishment are taken into consideration, it can be securely argued that the UN has reached its aims far from ideally. This stems from its internal problems like the veto rights of the permanent members of the Security Council. Especially during the Cold War, it became a leverage between superpowers to legitimize their actions and put pressure on each other.