Introduction to Law
INTRODUCTION TO LAW (HUKUKA GİRİŞ) - (İNGİLİZCE) Dersi Law of Civil Procedure, Compulsory Enforcement and Bankruptcy soru cevapları
INTRODUCTION TO LAW (HUKUKA GİRİŞ) - (İNGİLİZCE) Dersi Law of Civil Procedure, Compulsory Enforcement and Bankruptcy soru detayı:
SORU: What is the essential source of the civil procedure in Turkey?
What is the essential source of the civil procedure in Turkey?
CEVAP: The essential source of the civil procedure in Turkey is the Hukuk Muhakemeleri Kanunu (Code of Civil Procedure –CoCP-).
The essential source of the civil procedure in Turkey is the Hukuk Muhakemeleri Kanunu (Code of Civil Procedure –CoCP-).