FOREIGN POLICY ANALYSIS Dersi Foreign Policy Instruments of States: War and Conflict soru detayı:



What is the first image finding the major cause of war in the first level of analysis?


The first image finds the major cause of war in the first level of analysis, or the individual level. Different approaches in this level of analysis share their focal point with regard to man, but they differ in determining the main causes stemming from them. Rooting the causes of war in “human nature” is a very common approach, shared by a wide range of theories, ranging from the idea of “man is sinful from birth” of Christian philosophy to the realist theory of international relations. This view suggests that wars are caused by the egoistic, selfinterested, power seeking and also offensive nature of human beings. One of the main figures grounding the causes of war and conflict on the aggressive motives of human nature is stated by Sigmund Freud, the founder of the field of Psychoanalytic, According to him, the human nature assumption was most widely used by the realist school of thought. The founder of the realist theory in international relations Hans J. Morgenthau based his theory on a distinctive conception of human nature. Man is possessed by a lust to power without limits, called animus dominandi that inclines him to dominate fellow Men (Schuett, 2010: 23). This view despite all its diversity can be assumed as the focal point for all classical realists such as George Kennan, Walter Lippmann, E. H. Carr, and Reinold Niebuhr. A similar aspect which is suggested mostly by research studies in the field of
social psychology claims that human beings are prone to wage wars when they feel deprived. When people are restrained they feel disappointed, and in turn, this feeling causes anger and aggression. Accordingly, this type of deprivation when accompanied by relative poverty is the main cause of war.