RESEARCH METHODS (ARAŞTIRMA YÖNTEMLERİ) - (İNGİLİZCE) Dersi Writing a Literature Review soru detayı:
What is the influence of research questions over literature review?
The research question guides the structure of the whole literature review process providing a concentration on what kind of writing is required to address the research topic and questions. A good research question should be “doable” within a specific time period. When the research question is decided, it can be written in either interrogative or declarative form
For example, an interrogative form can be stated as “What factors have changed international relations after the World War II”, while a declarative form of that question can be worded as “An analysis of the reasons behind changes in international relations after the World War II”. Aveyard suggests that a good research question should be clear and specific. It should be focused but not too narrow. If the research question is too broad, it cannot be handled by the literature reviewer.