DIPLOMACY (DİPLOMASİ) - (İNGİLİZCE) Dersi The Historical Evolution of Diplomacy: First Practices soru detayı:
What is the role of the Amphycthonyc League in Ancient Greece?
The Amphycthonyc League (league of neighbors), formed in 6th century BCE, was mainly an religious association and it was composed of tribes not city-states. The amphictyonic league maintained interstate assemblies with permanent secretariats. Sparta formed alliances in the mid-6th century BCE, and by 500 BCE it had created the
Peloponnesian League. The Peloponnesian League was formed for decisions on questions of war, peace, or alliance; and each member had one vote. In the 5th century BCE, Athens led the Delian League during the Greco-Persian Wars. The league
was formed to liberate eastern Greek cities from Persian rule and as a defense to possible attacks from Persia. The Delian League consisted of more than 200 members.