POLITICAL SCIENCE (SİYASET BİLİMİ) - (İNGİLİZCE) Dersi Political Participation soru detayı:
What is the Social Mobility?
Social mobility, such as people moving for workor family reasons, creates a different perspective for each individual interest. Many individuals are content to remain within a closed community,working near their homes. They seek neighborhoodsupports such as traffic lights and garbage collection.Others who are required to travel great distances and who seek more mobility are less interested in local support in favor of good trains, busses, and roads. These two groups of people seek different supports from government, possibly debating the way that government money is distributed. In a more global sense, the degree of democracy or supporting people’s need to make a living and pursue a decent life may or may not be a concern for the individual. If an individual has no need to express a lack of resources the level of interest in democracy focused on the liberal distribution of allowances and benefits is lower than if an individual experiences difficulties in how society limits his/her ability toward personal fulfillment.