POLITICAL SCIENCE (SİYASET BİLİMİ) - (İNGİLİZCE) Dersi Political Participation soru detayı:
What is the support to personal morality?
We saw earlier that religion can sit in competition with government over the issue of sovereignty. Morality, as a system of supporting beliefs, can come in conflict when rules for one source of sovereignty conflict with
those of the other. Wearing of personal items to demonstrate allegiance to one religion might be regarded as insulting to another religion. Conflicts may also occur because of the tension between science and religion. Another issue of concern to government, one that causes participation from both sides of an issue, results from the idea of evolution. Whether or not views as a result of scientific study or those resulting from a belief in “creation” are accurate, differences of opinion about what constitutes civil rights might result. Issues such as abortion and assisted suicide come under dispute. Social laws can be contentious. In a democracy claiming equal support to all citizens, is it not surprising that laws satisfying one element may conflict with supporters of other elements?