BUSINESS LAW (İŞLETME HUKUKU) - (İNGİLİZCE) Dersi Organization of the Judiciary soru detayı:



What is the Supreme Election Board?


In Turkey all the elections (whether presidential, parliamentary or local) and referendum are executed with the principles of equal, secret, universal direct suffrage, open counting and tabulating of votes principles under administration and supervision of jurisdiction.

The Supreme Election Board, as the highest legal authority on electoral matters, is responsible for the overall monitoring and management of elections.

Supreme Election Board is a sui generis independent judicial board which is assigned with administrative and electoral jurisdiction, and appeal is not allowed to any other institutions against its decisions. The SEB is assigned from the start till the end of elections in order to manage the order of elections with honesty, to undertake or provide undertaking all necessary transactions, to examine all electoral complaints and objections and to give final decisions on such complaints and to accept electoral minutes of members of Turkish Grand National Assembly and minutes of presidential elections. SEB executes the administration and supervision of elections, and is composed of seven original and four reserve members.