Busıness Fınance Iı
BUSINESS FINANCE II (İŞLETME FİNANSI II) - (İNGİLİZCE) Dersi Mergers and Acquisitions soru cevapları
BUSINESS FINANCE II (İŞLETME FİNANSI II) - (İNGİLİZCE) Dersi Mergers and Acquisitions soru detayı:
SORU: What phases does DePamphilis’s Description of M&A Process have?
What phases does DePamphilis’s Description of M&A Process have?
CEVAP: DePamphilis’s Description of M&A Process in 10 Phases;
Phase 1: Building the business plan
Phase 2: Building the merger/acquisition implementation plan
Phase 3: The search process
Phase 4: The screening process
Phase 5: First Contact
Phase 6: Negotiation
Phase 7: Developing the integration plan
Phase 8: Closing
Phase 9: Implementing postclosing integration Phase 10: Conducting a postclosing evaluation
DePamphilis’s Description of M&A Process in 10 Phases;
Phase 1: Building the business plan
Phase 2: Building the merger/acquisition implementation plan
Phase 3: The search process
Phase 4: The screening process
Phase 5: First Contact
Phase 6: Negotiation
Phase 7: Developing the integration plan
Phase 8: Closing
Phase 9: Implementing postclosing integration Phase 10: Conducting a postclosing evaluation