POLITICAL THOUGHT (SİYASAL DÜŞÜNCELER) - (İNGİLİZCE) Dersi Political Thought in Ancient Greece and Rome soru detayı:



What was the main problem of Cicero in terms of political approach?


The main problem of Cicero was conserving Rome despite all its social contradictions. In order to achieve this, collaboration of all institutions and unity of faithful supporters of the republic were needed. Aristocrats started to turn away from politics. The democratic developments scared them of huge masses of people. Cicero tried to provoke them for politics again. He wrote that politics was a virtuous activity. Against the Epicurean views, which recommend giving up with social issues and searching for individual happiness, Cicero argued that egoism was against nature. The nobility of the spirit had to be shown by entering to the politics. Cicero’s main aim was to turn back to old aristocratic days. According to Cicero, public and republic –state- were the same. When people united within a stable order, a need for administration occurred. Society was a result of sense of community and state was a result of political differentiation. State was a unity, in which people were united with a common objective and connected to each other with legal bonds.