TURKISH POLITICS (TÜRK SİYASAL HAYATI) - (İNGİLİZCE) Dersi From Constitutional Monarchy of the Ottoman Empire to the Multi-party Period of the Republic of Turkey soru detayı:
What was the opposition of the Young Ottomans about the Tanzimat Era based on?
The opposition of the Young Ottomans about the Tanzimat Era was based on several ideas. First of all, the Pashas built a regime of despotism during the Tanzimat Era, which was not acceptable to them. Secondly, the Pashas in question adopted the
most superficial parts of European culture. Simply, this is a clear deviation from the ancient culture of the Ottoman Empire. Again in relation to this, the Pashas of the Tanzimat Era totally ignored the great opportunities brought by the enormous sea of
sharia. However, the concepts that are parts of the Islamic religion, such as consultancy (meşveret), submission (biat) and agreement (misak) are the concepts that considerably remind the Western values such as democracy, parliament, democratic representation, and social convention. Forthly, the Edict of Tanzimat is a missed opportunity and a major capitulation to Western states. Fifth, the Edict of Tanzimat required the continuation of reforms without explicitly limiting it according to
the principles of sharia. Hence, it led to a regime of oppression. Sixth, setting Western institutions as an example caused confusion and chaos among bureaucrats, who hitherto had difficulty in implementing the new regulations that they had no knowledge about. Finally, the reforms particularly had an impact on a limited environment. While
the reforms were influential around the Palace, they didn’t reach the masses.