Turkish Polıtıcs
TURKISH POLITICS (TÜRK SİYASAL HAYATI) - (İNGİLİZCE) Dersi The Evolution of Turkey’s Political Economy since Constitutional Monarchy soru cevapları
TURKISH POLITICS (TÜRK SİYASAL HAYATI) - (İNGİLİZCE) Dersi The Evolution of Turkey’s Political Economy since Constitutional Monarchy soru detayı:
What was the reason of the failure of the entrepreneurial classes in the Ottoman Empire?
The failure of the entrepreneurial classes in the Ottoman Empire to develop into
dominant classes and to extend capitalist modes of production and relationships, as
happened in the Western world, could not be attributed to the influence of the religious ethic. Instead, this failure was due to the political position of economic classes vis-à-vis the dominant military-bureaucratic classes.